2007 Gold Cup: Saturday Afternoon Round

Saturday afternoon is alternate shot. I've never played this format. Pete and I are teamed up. I'll take the even holes, he'll take the odd. We're teamed up with Paul Miller and Dennis Lewis. And, we're giving them three strokes (that's never happened to me to give pops).

Start off strong on the first and win it. #2 isn't pretty and we lose. #3 isn't pretty and we tie. #4 isn't bad -- but Dennis sticks it close. And we lose. Yes, seeing a trend. Play is also extremely slow. #5. We lose. #6, 7, 8, 9 -- no blood, but we're still 3 behind. #10, we shift the momentum and win a hole. #11, Paul sticks it close, but we tie. #12, we lose. #13, no blood. #14, we tie. #15, we lose. We're three behind with three to play. Dennis sticks it close. I stick it in the bunker. Pete hits the lip and I have to hole for par. We lose the match. Pete and I didn't play poorly, we just never turned it on. And those three really bad holes at the beginning didn't help matters.

Eric has told us that Ron and Tom were behind by four, but Tom has just issued the order to make Ron drink. Keith and Mark played Ron (yes, the club champion) and were dormie on the 12th. Bob and Garrett are ahead. Doug and Kelley are close. Rob and Bill are winning. Frank and Tom are close. The drinking supposedly helped Ron and Tom -- they win eight holes in a row to win their match.

Results for Afternoon Round
Tom/Ron 1
Garrett/Bob 1
Rob/Bill 1
Keith/Mark Lose
Doug/Kelly Lose
Liz/Pete Lose

Pairings for matchplay on Sunday announced. I'm first off at 1230.
