Breast Reconstruction Surgery – Homebound and Back to Work

 It’s Monday morning and can I say again how happy I am to be out of the hospital and back at home! I think breast flap reconstruction surgery is going well. We have:

  • ·        Pooped! – I think that’s because I started Miralax the week before surgery. And, if you read the blog post about my Chick Fil-A experience, that may have helped as well. And the prune juice and Aloe Vera juice concoction.


  • Worked -- full day on Friday (well, I did have Air Force One and other movies on (thank you Hulu and Amazon Prime) and didn’t work so fast) and now thinking this will be a full week back. I know they say that I should be off at least 10 days, but I don’t “get it.” – I will say my new laptop desk (works for lefties) works in bed, but I’ve moved it to the living room to put on the coffee table and it’s perfect.

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  • Ate – soup mainly, but scrambled eggs and bacon and toast. And I’m liking this Juven stuff. Not cheap, but good mixed with 7Up and Ginger ale. I recommend, especially if you don’t like Ensure milky concoction things. Not sure if I can really tell the difference between the Fruit Punch and Orange flavors, but better than anything chocolate or vanilla!


  •    Walked -- we go on slow walks up and down the alley with Abby. Saturday three trips. Sunday two trips. Monday we’re planning on four trips. My Fitbit and UHC health monitoring don’t see to have a set up for post-surgery recovery steps so I’m sure that they think I’m slacking. I haven’t mustered up the courage to listen to snarky wii fit “people.” Maybe Tuesday I’ll try and do a slow walk. I will say thank you again, wii. The bridge pose and my workouts have made the hospital stay and the recovery easier, I think!
  • ·         “Planted” new flowers in my front pots -- well, I ordered plastic ones this Fall since I’m not going to be doing much gardening. Hoping to be able to decorate a Christmas tree!

  • ·         Incentive Spirometer – I can now successfully keep the smiley face and 2000ml when I do this breathing thing every couple of hours! Last week I was lucky to get to 1000ml and LOTs of frowny faces.

Disclosures: I am not a doctor. I am not a nurse. I am not a medical professional whatsoever. If you are concerned about your health, I encourage you to talk to your doctor. This post contains a few affiliate links. If you click them and buy something, I might earn a small commission, at no cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. All opinions are my own. I am also NOT a photographer. I work at a creative firm and we hire photographers. My photography is quite, well, awful. 



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